Things You Should Know About Oxygen Therapy at Home

Nitrogen is removed from the room's air via oxygen concentrators. The method delivers the greater quantities of oxygen required for oxygen treatment. Both big, stationary concentrators and small, portable ones are possible. Because they use electrical pumps to concentrate the constant supply of oxygen that flows from the atmospheric air, distillation columns differ from cylinders or other containers that carry oxygen. While using home oxygen therapy, you should know a few things before use. 1. Don’t take oxygen without a doctor’s prescription More oxygen than your body requires might cause your breathing and heart rate to slow down to dangerously low levels. Oxygen poisoning, or oxygen toxicity, can result from consuming too much oxygen. Many people receive an oxygen concentrator for home oxygen therapy. Through a lengthy line that can extend throughout the entire house, this equipment, which can be hidden in a corner, can give oxygen to your nose. Ask your home oxygen provider a...