How are Technology Driven Products Helping Asthma Patients?


Daily medications are a primary lifeline for people with COPD, and a necessary part of life for people with asthma and other respiratory diseases. Most COPD patients have to follow a strict treatment regimen and take several different medications every day just to keep their symptoms under control. 

The one thing that is helping these patients to deal with the tiresome and exhausting treatment is technology. Yes, you read that right. 

Technology is playing a significant role in helping asthma patients and doctors treat asthma more efficiently. The tech-driven products are helping patients to lead a normal life like others. 

They have given these patients wings to fly. Let’s have a deep insight into these products so that you too can acknowledge the role of technology in advancing the medical industry. 

Technology Driven Products Helping Asthma Patients 

Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC)

Portable oxygen concentrators are being widely used by asthma patients as they are extremely lightweight and can be carried along. These concentrators have allowed asthma patients to move out freely without any fear. They no longer need to confine them within the four walls of their house. 

These portable oxygen concentrators have given asthma patients the freedom of mobility that they have been lurking for. Now, even asthma patients can enjoy going out with friends and family and can enjoy their life to the fullest. 

That is how these concentrators are highly recommended by doctors. 

Smart Inhalers

Inhalers are perhaps the most important and are certainly the most frequently prescribed medications for people with asthma and COPD. But people often avoid them due to the complexity and difficulty of using them. 

But thanks to the smart inhalers, these issues no longer exist. A smart inhaler is, essentially, an inhaler that is designed to communicate with a mobile phone application. This application helps you keep track of important information like your medication schedule and when you are supposed to take your next dose. 

A sensor on the inhaler communicates with the mobile application via Bluetooth so you can track your inhaler use data in the app. The app records the date, time, and sometimes even the location of each dose you take, and then uses this information to schedule your next dose reminder. 

That is how technology has eased the life of an asthma patient. 

Air purifiers enable you to intake clean air

Air purifiers are some of the best, most practical at-home treatment options for asthma and allergy symptoms. Depending on the air quality of the environment one is in, allergy and asthma symptoms can flare, making it difficult to breathe. 

Air purifiers, in a sense, remove the need for direct treatment of allergies by making the air itself easy to breathe. 

Final Words 

All an asthma patient need is the ability to live each moment of their life without any fear and to the fullest and these technology-driven products have allowed these patients to do what they desired. But this is not sufficient. We need more such products to make our medical 


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